hey guys (i bet 2, 3 kerat je pun bace..but wut d heck @#$%^&()_(*&##!)
I promised you before that there will be an entry on Feb's babies, but fret not..Amalina the one dat I assigned to do the entry is back from aku-banyak-keje-gile-sampai-weekend pon kene kerja world...yeahh..yippiiieee (tepuk pengakap cepat). amal..lekas...da masok march ni..tak sabar nak bace masterpiece sulong kamu..go amal!go!
Last Saturday, to be exact 19 march 2011, we (peanut, fatihah, amalina, furaa n shidah) went for a beautiful n amazing turquoise wedding of our lil sis Ain n her soulmate si sepet peiji.
The wedding took place in Merlimau, Melaka which is from her side n the other reception is expected to be held on 4th September 2011 (bithday my dad) in USA..so sape rase nak becuti ke Amerika Syarikat..cepat kumpol $$$$$ skang..gadai barang kemas, rantai beskal, cincin sumeh lekas...lekas...
"accomodation n makan tanggung berehhhh", quoted from ain n peiji.. :P
kesimpulannya, the wedding was awesome. bapak, ibu, kuarga pengantin sumeh sporting. with karox, poco-poco n joget lambak.one of the best wedding I've ever attended.
Lagik² la dengan kehadiran tukang kepitnyer yg sgt comel dan sepet iaitu Kong. (okeh..sy chop dia..haipp..jgn rebut ngan akak k baby...haipp..)

kan da kata Kong ni comel..haaa...
p/s: baby..jgn rebut ngan akak..kalau tak akak crop gamba kamu keluar..hehehehhe.sile takot sekarang!
okeh..i'm not suppose to do the whole entry sebab dengan kejipangan yang ada saya telah dengan politely asked Furaa to do it..althou she said she won't be able to finish it walaupun hingga lah ke ulangtahun perkahwinan Ain n Peiji ke 40 pon..nevermind, I'll exert more pressure to her to produce atleast one entry for the wedding...kalau tak, kene carik mangsa lain..huhuhuhu
alrite peepsss..
as usual, enjoy the pics.
as usual, enjoy the pics.
Let's hope that the full version of the lovely wedding will be published soon by the respective person
*hint utk SAFURAA*
both aien n peiji
pergi kedai kaler kuku
selamat pengantin baru
sliper putos jalan menyeret
moga dpt anak bederet-deret
mase nak bercinta kan men mengayat
didoakan bahagia ke akhir hayat
signing off,